December 23, 2010

From Our {New} House to Yours

Wishing you the sweetest Christmas!
Love, Anna + Frances


Get two people together who both have time off from work, love adventures, and have nothing better to do on a Wednesday afternoon, and what happens? They decide to go to Annapolis, Maryland! And that's exactly what happened yesterday with my friend Mason, for no other reason than to do some fun exploring together.
We arrived in town just as the sun was setting and the Christmas lights were flickering on. It was unbelievably charming! We finished up last minute Christmas shopping, then hunkered down in an old tavern for oysters and crab cakes. We whiled away a few hours, enjoying the feeling of being on vacation and being someplace neither of us knew we'd end up when the day began.

December 19, 2010


The excitement was palpable. The panic was rising. Anticipation set in as Northern Virginians looked forward to the first "snowstorm" of the season: a light snow for a few hours that resulted in an inch of cover on the ground. Schools were closed early, the federal government told employees they could leave, my co-workers were worried about their cars getting stuck, and I just sat back, amused. After it was all said and done, the tips of the grass were still showing!

If anything, the snow has made things feel a little bit more Christmas-y around here. Holiday lights look so much prettier with a little bit of snow! In honor of my first Virginia snowstorm, I spent a good portion of yesterday baking cookies to commemorate the occasion.
Rather than make the usual sugar cutout, I used my friend Amanda's recipe. With a recommendation like that, I figured I couldn't go wrong. The unexpected citrus flavor really makes the cookie stand out. They ultimately served as my ticket into a cookie exchange party. I tasted over 10 varieties, and still think mine were the best. And still think Virginians' reaction to snow is funny.

Clear skies are predicted for the week, and I am officially on vacation, so the plan is to get out of the kitchen, out of the house, and to use my free time to continue exploring my new hometown.

December 10, 2010

'Tis the Season

Ways that I've been enjoying the holiday season so far:
  1. Going wine tasting in Virginia's horse country
  2. Visiting the National Cathedral for the Annual Crèche exhibit
  3. Trying out a new wine bar
  4. Going for a hike while laughing at all the Virginians who say, "it's so cold!"
  5. Finally going to a Buffalo Bills backer bar
  6. Decorating a tree (at work) and fireplace (friend's house)
  7. Having margaritas!
  8. Shopping
  9. Happy Hour at a local brewpub
  10. Driving around to look at pretty Christmas lights
  11. Having dinner here and here
  12. Spending an afternoon at the National Portrait Gallery
  13. Checking out the view
  14. Trying to find good pizza (or maybe this?)
Needless to say, I've been extremely busy trying to enjoy myself and be as gluttonous as possible, it would appear! The reason for this? My parents took Frances back to Buffalo with them after Thanksgiving. For one month, I have very little responsibility and I'm taking full advantage. This would explain why I haven't been blogging, (as well as why I feel like I've gained 10 pounds). I love my Frances, but man am I enjoying my freedom. This holiday season has been full of fun, new things, and lots of joy. I definitely owe my parents, and I definitely don't want the month to end.