April 23, 2010

It Must Be Getting Warmer

On a recent trip down to the Elmwood Village in Buffalo, I saw signs of life all around. Trust me, I couldn't be happier about the return of warm(er) weather, and I'm not the only one. Lots of people were out, enjoying the beautiful sunshine.

I know that, for me, having such long winters really makes me appreciate the non-winter months. I get spring fever so bad every year, and this year has been especially great. Spring came early and has stuck around, bringing lots of sunshine with it.

It's not often you can ride with your top down in Buffalo in April!

And we won't be needing fleece and outerwear for much longer!

One of the things that makes spring my favorite season is just getting outdoors again. The sunshine and fresh air, combined with flowering trees and early bulbs, makes me feel refreshed, hopeful and energized. Everything is so pretty again and I can do the things I love to do: take Frances for long walks, dig in the garden, go jogging without worrying about ice, cut bouquets to bring in the house, sit outside and read in my backyard... and simply, just soak up the sun. Such a sweet feeling.

April 22, 2010

Bon Appétit

On a trip to the store, my mom bought me the latest issue of Bon Appétit magazine, so I thought it only fitting that I make one of the recipes for us to try.
And with a cover photo as enticing as that, I decided to try the cover recipe. No substitutions except light cream instead of heavy cream. My dad thought it could have been creamier, so maybe the switch wasn't a good idea. Or perhaps I just should have added more cream. Either way, it was an excellent way to use the early spring vegetables that are just starting to show up at the market. Other recipes that I've had luck with lately are this, and this one, too. Do you see a pattern? Creamy goodness... tasty peas and asparagus... Italian meats.
I am filled with excitement, knowing that the growing season is finally beginning. Although we have a shorter growing season in Western New York, it is always bountiful, and fresh, and delicious. My kitchen is going to be a busy place, so keep those recipes coming.

April 14, 2010

Just A Perfect Day

We take it when we can get it in Western New York, and today was simply that. A perfect day. The kind that makes you want to get outdoors and smile, smile, smile as the sun beats down on your face.
Spring is my most favorite time of the year.

Luckily for me, this year has been splendid.

I took a break from yard work and went out in search of pretty.

And wasn't the only one enjoying the fresh air and sunshine.

Oh such a perfect day.
I don't think it gets much better than this.