December 19, 2010


The excitement was palpable. The panic was rising. Anticipation set in as Northern Virginians looked forward to the first "snowstorm" of the season: a light snow for a few hours that resulted in an inch of cover on the ground. Schools were closed early, the federal government told employees they could leave, my co-workers were worried about their cars getting stuck, and I just sat back, amused. After it was all said and done, the tips of the grass were still showing!

If anything, the snow has made things feel a little bit more Christmas-y around here. Holiday lights look so much prettier with a little bit of snow! In honor of my first Virginia snowstorm, I spent a good portion of yesterday baking cookies to commemorate the occasion.
Rather than make the usual sugar cutout, I used my friend Amanda's recipe. With a recommendation like that, I figured I couldn't go wrong. The unexpected citrus flavor really makes the cookie stand out. They ultimately served as my ticket into a cookie exchange party. I tasted over 10 varieties, and still think mine were the best. And still think Virginians' reaction to snow is funny.

Clear skies are predicted for the week, and I am officially on vacation, so the plan is to get out of the kitchen, out of the house, and to use my free time to continue exploring my new hometown.

1 comment:

  1. haha! a real blizzard huh? so so funny! and i guess working at a boarding school has some perks, youre out of school already and here schools go til the 23rd! :)
