September 7, 2010

My Job

Normally I wouldn't spend any a lot of time talking about my job, but I've had so many questions from so many people that I thought I'd take the opportunity to tell you how it's going.

I'm a librarian.
I work in a private boarding high school.
I used to work in a public high school.

I've been at the new job going on four weeks, so I've had time to make some observations. Pulling onto campus everyday is like leaving the real world behind.
There is a strong sense of tradition and history. The main administrative building was originally the home of Martha Washington's granddaughter.
Honor and spirituality are at the core of all decisions.
The student body is small, and the school community is extremely tight-knit. There is a lot of emphasis placed on decorum and intellectualism. There is also a strong athletics program.

Some perks of the job include using the facilities and dining on campus. The food, and the degree to which I've been welcomed into the community, are both impressive, (one is as important to me as the other!). At various points throughout the last four weeks I've felt lucky to have landed this job, and amazed by how different education can feel in this type of setting. So far it's going really well, and I'm happy I made the switch. Starting anew has been invigorating, rewarding, and if I'm not careful, fattening! Thank you for all your questions.


  1. That photo of you with your pearls on in the stacks is ADORABLE! It is obvious from that vignette that you definitely do the Dewey! So glad that you are happy and enjoying yourself.
